Honoring the Hancocks #0418
This week we pay tribute to Gerre and Judith Hancock, the talented husband and wife who have made marvelous music at Saint Thomas Church in New York City for more than 30 years.
LEE HOIBY: Anthem, The Lord is King –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock; Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Priory PRCD629
T. TERTIUS NOBLE: Psalm 47, O clap your hands –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock. Koch CD-7176
GERRE HANCOCK: Improvisation on Saint Denio, Immortal, invisible –Gerre Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Gothic G49038
GERRE HANCOCK: Improvisation on Go, tell it on the mountains –Gerre Hancock (1996 Taylor & Boody/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Gothic G49109
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Chorale-prelude, Lobe den Herren, Opus 65, number 58 –Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Priory PRCD599
PETR EBEN: Fantasia I, from Sunday Music. MARCEL DUPRÉ: 4 verses of Ave maris stella, Opus 18, numbers 6-9 –Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Gothic G49110
NED ROREM: Motet, Thee, God –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock; Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Argo 425 800
GERRE HANCOCK: Free Improvisation –Gerre Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Koch CD-7351
GERRE HANCOCK: Anthem, Earthquake and fire –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock; Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Priory PRCD629
GERRE HANCOCK: Improvised Fugue and Finale, In Memoriam R. Wayne Dirksen [2003] –Gerre Hancock (1938 Ernest M. Skinner & Son; 1975 Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) JAV CD-144