David Goode sitting in of the front organ.
David Goode sitting in of the front organ.
Woodberry Forest School

Goode for Us #0422

On this week’s show, we’re visited by the prize-winning British organist, David Goode. This talented performer has toured the world and now lives in Los Angeles where he’s organist at First Congregational Church.

WILLIAM WALTON (arranged by McKie): Orb and Sceptre March (1979 Rieger/Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, England, UK) Herald CD-219

J.S. BACH: Trio Sonata Number 6 in G, S. 530 (1982 Marrin/Cathedral of St. Mary, Saint Cloud, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded September 12, 1999

OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Sortie, from Messe de la Pentecote [1950]; Diptyque [1930] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 3, 2000

Leoš_Janáček: Postlude, from Glagolitic Mass (1979 Rieger/Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, England, UK) Herald CD-230

FRANZ SCHMIDT: Chaconne [1931] (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 3, 2000



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