1908 Sauer organ at Saint Thomas Church, Leipzig, Germany.
1908 Sauer organ at Saint Thomas Church, Leipzig, Germany.
DerHHO / Wikimedia Commons

Holiday International #0451

Taken from many nations, the music on this week’s program adds a distinctive flavor to our Christmas celebration.

J.S. BACH, Germany: Christmas Chorale-preludes from the Rinck Collection, Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn; Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich; Nun freut euch, lieben Christen –Franz Haselböck (1770 Sonnholz/Parish Church, Purgstall, Austria) Hänssler CD-98.908

JAN JANCA, Poland: Toccatina, Hört, der Engel helle Lieder; Meditation, Maria durch ein’ Dornwald ging; Chorale Toccata, Wachet auf!Ludger Lohmann (1989 Rieger/St. Johannes Church, Tübingen, Germany) Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 606 1104

THOMAS ADAMS, England: Vartiations on Adeste fidelis –Hilary Norris (1818 Elliot/Ashridge Chapel, Berkhamsted, England, UK) Priory PRCD741

JOHN BULL, England: Carol –Robert Anderson (1982 Rosales/First Presbyterian, Granada Hills, CA) Pipedreams Archive recorded 1989

WILLIAM LLOYD WEBBER, England: Interludes on Christmas Carols: Good King Wenceslas; Coventry Carol; Good rest you merry, gentlemenJane Watts (1876 Henry Willis/Salisbury Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD616

PADRE DAVIDE da BERGAMO, Italy: Pastorale for three organists –Luca Salvadori, Andrea Macinanti, Francesco Tasini (1851 Serassi/Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Biagio, Bergamo, Italy) Tactus CD-800001

BERNTSEN & ASHEIM, Norway: Improvisations on Christmas Themes Maria hun er en jomfru ren; I denne søde Jule-tiidAnne-Lise Berntsen, voice; Nils Henrik Asheim (1737 Baumeister/Maihingen Cloister, Germany) Kirkelig Kulturverksted FXCD266

PAUL SIFLER, Yugoslavia: Christmas and the BirdsJohn Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA) Pro Organo CD 7189

FRIDTHJOV ANDERSSEN, Norway: Festival Prelude, Fra himlen høyt –Arctic Brass; Bjørn Andor Drage (1908 Sauer/St. Thomas Church, Leipzig, Germany) Euridice CD-019


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