Spiritual Values #0608
Embellished by the pipe organ’s many colors, these compositions were inspired by African and Afro-American themes.
THOMAS KERR: Anguished American Easter, 1968 –Herndon Spillman (1990 Visser-Rowland/Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN) Titanic CD-205
SETH BINGHAM: Sailing over Jordan –James Welch (1986 Schoenstein/St. Elizabeth RCC, San Francisco, CA) Arkay AR6169
WILLIAM B. COOPER: Dies irae –Mickey Thomas Terry (1985 Schantz/Lumen Christi Catholic Community [St. Leo the Great], Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded January 20, 2003
WILLIAM GRANT STILL: Memphis Man –James Hicks (1960; 1996 Austin/The Presbyterian Church, Morristown, NJ) Pro Organo CD 7187
SCOTT JOPLIN: Maple Leaf Rag –Keith Thompson (1970 Aeolian-Skinner/National Presbyterian, Washington, DC) Echoes of Heaven 4721
HORACE ALDEN MILLER: Steal away –Samuel John Swartz (1928 Skinner/Immanuel Presbyterian, Los Angeles, CA) Motette CD MOT 10901
RUTH NORMAN: Reflections –Mickey Thomas Terry (1964 Möller; 2001 Goulding & Wood/National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC) Pipedreams Archive recorded July 8, 2001
WILLIAM BOLCOM: Gospel Prelude, Book 4, number 1 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child. DEREK BERMEL: 2 Songs from Nandom –Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra (1995 Schantz/Westwood UMC, Los Angeles, CA) Pipedreams Archive recorded March 8, 1997
CALVIN TAYLOR: Spirituals: Number 2, This little light of mine; Number 5, Soon I will be done. FELA SOWANDE: Prayer, Oba a ba ke –Edward M. Maki-Schramm (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Pipedreams Archive recorded March 9, 2003
LAWRENCE SCHREIBER: Fantasy on African-American Themes –Hans Uwe Hielscher (1982 Oberlinger/Market Church, Wiesbaden, Germany) Edition Lade CD-016