Pipedreams Live! at AGO 2008 #0840
…in celebration of the International Year of the Organ, excerpts (Part 1) from an event recorded during the American Guild of Organist’s National Convention in Minnesota.
Part 1
JOSEPH JONGEN: Toccata, Opus 104 –Michael Unger, AGO National Competition Winner, 2008
THOMAS KERR: Anguished American Easter, 1968 –Herndon Spillman
Part 2
CALVIN TAYLOR: Sonnet of Praise –Calvin Taylor & Michael Barone
JASON ROBERTS: Improvisation in the French Classic Manner –Jason Roberts
BARBARA DENNERLEIN: The Unforgettable; Waltzing Pipes –Barbara Dennerlein
Part 3
GERALD BALES: Prelude in e –Isabelle Demers
WILLIAM ALBRIGHT: Tango Fantastico and Alla Marcia with The AGO Fight Song, from Flights of Fancy [1992] –Vern Sutton, song-leader; Douglas Reed, organ
Filler –BARBARA DENNERLEIN: The Unforgettable (see above)
Our concert performances were recorded June 25, 2008 at the Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and featured the 114-rank 1990 Visser-Rowland organ. This program preludes a world-wide schedule of Organ Spectacular festivities which will take place seemingly everywhere on October 19. Check for listings of events in your area. On that day in Minnesota, you’re invited to join Twin Cities organ lovers for a very special ‘organ spectacular’ in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of PIPEDREAMS in conjunction with the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis at 3 p.m.