1871 Ladegast organ at Schwerin Cathedral, Germany
1871 Ladegast organ at Schwerin Cathedral, Germany

Listen to This! #0939

…the collaborative efforts of performers and recording engineers, and the splendid sonorities of fine instruments in good rooms, work in accord to reveal unusual repertoire.

Hour 1

FRANCOIS d’AGINCOURT: Prelude on the 1 st Ton. HENRY DUMONT: Allemande. LOUIS MARCHAND: Tierce en taille. JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Offertoire on the 1 st Tone –Michel Chapuis (1710 Clicquot; 1995 Boisseau et Cattiaux/Chapelle du château de Versailles, Versailles, France) Plenum Vox 004

CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS (arranged by Kalevi Kiviniemi): Morceau de Concour for Harp and Organ, Opus 154 –Kirsi Kiriharju, harp; Kalevi Kiviniemi (1993 Paschen/Kerava Church, Kerava, Finland) Fuga 1938

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Harmonies du Soir, from 3 New Impressions, Opus 142 –Ken Cowan (1997 Schoenstein/First Plymouth Congregational, Lincoln, NE) Raven OAR-903

FELIX MENDELSSOHN: Aria, Jerusalem, die du tötest den Propheten, from Paulus. FRANZ LISZT: Prelude & Fugue on B-A-C-H [first version] –Monique Simon, mezzo-soprano; Yves Rechsteiner (1871 Ladegast/Schweriner Dom, Schwerin, Germany) Alpha 059

Filler –CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS (see above)

Hour 2

FRANZ TUNDER: Canzona in G; Chorale-fantasy, Auf meinen lieben Gott; Praeludium in g –Friedhelm Flamme (1724 Vater; 2000 Edskes/St. Petri Kirche, Melle, Germany) cpo 777 370

JEAN TITELOUZE: Versets on Ut queant laxis –Les Chantres du Roy; Yves-G. Prefontaine (1699 Tribuot; 1991 Aubertin/Église Saint-Martin, Seurre, France) ATMA ACD2558

JOSEPH JONGEN: Le bon chival. PAUL GILSON: Prelude on an Old Flemish Song –Els Biesemans (1910 van Bever/Dominican Church, Brussels, Belgium) Etcetera 1299

SIR EDWARD ELGAR: Light out of darkness, from The Light of Life, Opus 29 –Worcester Cathedral Choir, Sir David Willcocks, conductor; Adrian Lucas (1978 Rushworth & Dreaper/Worcester Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD5035

ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Marche-Fantasie on 2 Church Chants, Opus 44 –BBC Philharmonic, Rumon Gamba, conductor; Ian Tracey (1926 Henry Willis & Sons/Anglican Cathedral, Liverpool, England, UK) Chandos CD-5048

Filler –ALEXANDRE GUILMANT (see above)


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