1997 Schoenstein organ at First Plymouth Congregational Church, Lincoln, NE

1997 Schoenstein organ at First Plymouth Congregational Church, Lincoln, NE

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Programs that feature this organ

#0214: Mozart, Mendelssohn and Mahler

Felix Mendelssohn wrote often and well for the king of instruments, but his Hebrides Overture is not usually numbered among his standard organ essays. On our next Pipedreams program, though all of the music sounds simply fantastic, none of it was created for the medium of wind-blown pipes. If you’ve enjoyed the occasional appearance of the pipe organ in his Second and Eighth Symphonies, how about Mahler’s Symphony Number 5 arranged as an organ solo? Good things are where you find them, and Frederick Hohman, Matt Curlee, Alexander Frey, David Briggs, and other friends tackle the matter of orchestral transcriptions with overtures for concert hall and opera house. Not your usual organ recital. For an extraordinary experience, it’s Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Mahler, this week on Pipedreams.

#0250: Prepare the Way

It is a procession of hope, a progression from darkness into light, the weeks of Advent anticipation. But this week, we’ll rush the season a bit, mixing music of joyful abandon with other scores perhaps just a bit reticent and watchful. Joel Martinson, John Rutter, William Mathias and Richard Purvis give fresh interpretation to prophetic scripture, while organists John Gowens, Guy Bovet, Richard Cummins and Frederick Hohman apply the King of Instruments to a celebration of the King of Kings. Poetic reflections and exuberant outbursts proclaim a holy season, with overriding hopes for peace on earth. With carols and anthems, preludes and dances, let instruments and choirs lift your spirits in anticipation of Christmas as we Prepare the Way.

#0310: Bach On the Wild Side

It’s J.S. Bach, but with a difference. An entire additional voice grafted onto a simple two-part invention makes a fiendishly difficult trio, but that’s just for starters. This week, we take a step beyond our usual understanding of Bach and listen to some of his most challenging scores brought to the edge by provocative modern interpretors. We’ll hear a jazzy reworking of the Air on the G-String, a Dutch rock musician’s take on the famous Toccata, and Porter Heaps’ Swinging After Bach. From youthful virtuosity to arrangements beyond-the-pale, performers, composers and transcribers visit with the great master from Leipzig and invite him out for a real trip. Be prepared for excitement and surprise as we take Bach on the Wild Side.

#0514: Pro Organist!

A conversation with recitalist and recording engineer/producer Fred Hohman, who introduces performances from his enterprising CD/video label Pro Organo.

#0816: Going for Baroques

…we trace a trail from before Bach to Bingham and beyond, with a collection of music ‘in the manner Baroque’.

#0927: What’s New?

…an international sampler and selective review of some of the latest organ music CD releases.

#0939: Listen to This!

…the collaborative efforts of performers and recording engineers, and the splendid sonorities of fine instruments in good rooms, work in accord to reveal unusual repertoire.

#1103: Domestic Issues

…some recently released CDs featuring organs, composers and performers from these United States.

#1114: Some Spring Notes

…enhancing that ‘spring feeling’ with scores from the classics to Broadway songs, tuneful takes on the change of seasons.

#1143: A Thousand Voices

…familiar songs take on a new life in the hands of imaginative composers and agile performers playing upon an organ’s many pipes.

#1542: Quotes from Raven

…recent selections from one of America's prime 'organ labels', and conversations with Raven's curator William Van Pelt.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.