An Easter Bouquet #1715
…music of profound introspection and overt rejoicing for the Christian Resurrection festival.
Hour 1
TRADITIONAL (arr. Bankson): Rejoice this Easter Day & This Joyful Eastertide –1st-Plymouth Choir & Brass/Jeremy Bankson, director; Tom Trenny (1997 Schoenstein/1st-Plymouth Congregational Church, Lincoln, NE) FirstPlymouth 2015
WALTER PELZ: Fantasy on O sons and Daughters –Gabriel V Brass Ensemble/Sharon Rose Pfeiffer (1864 Hook/Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA) Paraclete 061
CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Choral (Haec dies), fr Symphonie Romane, Op. 73 –David Fuller (1990 Fisk/Slee hall, SUNY-Buffalo, NY) Loft 1014
MATTHEW MARTIN: Haec dies –Clare College Choir, Cambridge/Graham Ross, director; Matthew Jorysz (1915 Hill/All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London, England) Harmonia Mundi 907655
ANTON van der HORST: Variations on the Sinfonia to Bach’s Easter Cantata (Christ lag in Todesbanden), Op. 64 –Sietze de Vriez (1692 Schnitger/Martinikerk, Groningen, The Netherlands) SdV 002
GERRE HANCOCK: Holy Week, Suite for Two Organs (2007) –Stewart Wayne Foster & Namhee Han (1932 Skinner+1969 Schlicker/1st Congregational Church, Los Angeles, CA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/6/2010)
Hour 2
TRADITIONAL (arr Neil): 2 Easter Hymns (The strife is o’er; Christ the Lord is risen today!) –William Neil (1969 Aeolian-Skinner/National Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC) MSR 1165
FRANZ TUNDER: Fantasy, Christ lag in Todesbanden –Emanuele Cardi (1996 Ghilardi/St. Mary’s Church, Salerno, Italy) Brilliant Classics 94901
FERNAND de la TOMBELLE: Into thy hands I commend my spirit, fr Les Sept Paroles –Anne Saint-Denis, soprano; Jacques Boucher (1915-1996 Casavant/St. John the Baptist Church, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) XXI-21 Productions 1721
HELMUT WALCHA: 3 Easter Chorale-preludes (Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron; Auf, auf mein Herz, mit Freuden; Jesus Christus, unser Heiland) –Delbert Disselhorst (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572912
MARGARET VARDELL SANDRESKY: Introduction & Variations on Lift high the cross –Margaret Martin Kvamme (1889 Felgemaker-1988 Goodwin/Holy Cross Church, Santa Cruz, CA) Albany 940
TRADITIONAL (arr. Bankson): Jesus Christ is risen today–1st-Plymouth Choir & Brass/Jeremy Bankson, director; Tom Trenny (1997 Schoenstein/1st-Plymouth Congregational Church, Lincoln, NE) FirstPlymouth 2015
Should you wish, our Archive includes numerous additional programs on Easter themes, to which you can listen here:
Music for Easter (#1612)
Music for Easter (#1513)
An Easter Offering (#1415)
Let the Round Earth Rejoice (#1312)
Prayers and Alleluias (#1214)
An Easter Awakening (#1116)
Music for Eastertide (#1013)
There are others in the archive, too…just search for them, like musical Easter eggs.