1981 Wolff at Redpath Hall, McGill University, Montreal
1981 Wolff at Redpath Hall, McGill University, Montreal

A Montreal Organ Festival #1726

…a salute to Canada Day and the upcoming combined conventions of the Royal Canadian College of Organists and the American Guild of Organists.

Hour 1

ANONYMOUS:  Magnificat in C, fr Livre d’Orgue de MontréalKenneth Gilbert (1981 Wolff/Redpath Hall, McGill University, Montreal) Analekta 3002

HEALEY WILLANPrelude & Fugue in cPatrick Wedd (1914-1995 Casavant/Church of St. John the Baptist, Montreal) Naxos 8.557375

RAYMOND DAVELUYFantasy & Fugue, fr Sonata No. 3Rachel Laurin (1960 Beckerath/St. Joseph Oratory, Montreal) CBC 1111

FRANÇOIS MORELPriereGerald Wheeler (1980 Wilhelm/Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal) Cathedral 130401

LOUIS VIERNELes Cloches de Hinckley, fr Pieces de Fantasie, Op. 55Hélene Dugal (1893-1951 Casavant/Notre Dame Basilica, Montreal) Sono-REM 11116

Hour 2

GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI:  Canzona L’Altera –Suzanne Deserres, dulzian; Genevieve Soly (1993 Wilhelm/Eglise Madonna della Difesa, Montreal) Analekta 3013

C.P.E. BACHAdagio in dGIUSEPPE GHERARDESCHI: 4 Concert Verses ---Catherine Todorovski (1993 Wilhelm/Eglise Madonna della Difesa, Montreal) ATMA 2110

ROBERT SCHUMANNCanon  in A-flat, Op. 56, no 4 –Christian Lane (2002 Casavant/Eglise des Saints-AngesGardiens, Lachine) ATMA 2674

FRANÇOIS COUPERINOffertoire, fr Messe a l’usage des ParoissesYves-G. Préfontaine (1991 Guilbault-Thérien/Grand Séminaire, Montreal) Helios 110603

GASTON LITAIZELiturgical Prelude No. 12Antoine Bouchard (1927 Casavant+1985 Guilbault-Therien/Notre Dame Basilica, Quebec City) REM 311128

ARTHUR LETONDAL: Prelude & Toccata, fr Trois PiecesJacques Boucher (1893-1951 Casavant/Notre Dame Basilica, Montreal) Basilique Notre Dame 007

OLIVIER MESSIAENGod is simple, fr Trinity Meditations --David Palmer (1892-1950 Casavant/Marie-Reine-du-Mond Cathedral, Montreal) Ethereal 120

RACHEL LAURIN: Epilogue, Op. 50 –Rachel Laurin (1917-1988 Casavant/Church of St. Clement & St. Anne, Ottawa) Raven 943

The RCCO and AGO’s NE Region meet together in Montreal, Quebec on July 1-7, 2017.  Perhaps we’ll see you there? 

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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