1960 Beckerath organ at Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

1960 Beckerath organ at Saint Joseph’s Oratory, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Programs that feature this organ

#0645: Another Liszt List

Exemplary scores by a titan of the keyboard who liberated the organ in ways we are only beginning to fully appreciate.

#0802: New Vistas for the New Year

…in preparation for our spring tour in Province Québec, a sampler of 19th and 20th century instruments in Montréal, Trois Riviers, Québec City and points in between.

#0923: Celebrating Canada

…in tribute to the Royal Canadian College of Organists, RCCO, in its centenary year, a program of Canadian composers, performers, and instruments.

#1550: Holiday Portraits

…the Christmas festival is rich with pictorial implications that composers have interpreted with intriguing ingenuity.

#1601: What's New?

…getting the New Year off to a fine start with a survey of some recent compact disc releases. Contents TBA. Tune in and check us out.

#1651: On Christmas Day

…whether with carols or noels, anthems or improvisations, these musicians proclaim holiday cheer!

#1726: A Montreal Organ Festival

…a salute to Canada Day and the upcoming combined conventions of the Royal Canadian College of Organists and the American Guild of Organists.

#1826: Oh Canada!

…in celebration of the national holiday of our neighbor-to-the-north, this collection of Canadian composers and performers for Canada Day (July 1).

#1945: Widor, Thou Goest

…despite that ruthless Biblical reference, today we follow the lead of the great composer of organ symphonies, Charles-Marie Widor.

#9930: A Montreal Organ Book

Visit A Montréal Organ Book with the Organ Historical Society: Music and instruments from Provence Québec, featuring Canadian artists.

Featured Sponsor

Our Sponsors


Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.