1980 Virtanen Turku Cathedral, Finland
1980 Virtanen Turku Cathedral, Finland

Summer Music #1734

…from around the world, marvelous melodies and evocations of this season of universal pleasure.

Hour 1

FELIX MENDELSSOHN: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture –played automatically by Boston University’s John. R. Silber Symphonic Organ (Skinner and Aeolian-Skinner/Fuller Building, Boston University, MA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 8/1987)

MICHEL LeGRANDSummer me, winter meDan Bellomy (Wurlitzer/Paramount Theatre, Brooklyn, NY) Cambria 1108

GEORGE GERSHWINSummertime, fr Porgy & BessWalt Strony (Wurlitzer/Wheaton Fox Studio, Wheaton, IL) WFS 2006

NILS LINDBERGShall I compare thee to a summer’s day?James D. Hicks (2013 Tostareds Kyrkorgelfabrik/Kalmar Cathedral, Sweden) Pro Organo 7271

MAURI VIITALA:  Canon, Partita & Fugue on Sen Suven Suloisuutta/The Sweetness of the Summer James D. Hicks (1980 Virtanen/Turku Cathedral, Finland) Pro Organo 7279

Hour 2

LEROY ANDERSONSummer SkiesJelani Eddington (Wurlitzer/Sanfilippo Music Salon/Barrington, IL) RJE Productions 1908B

DIMITRI TIOMKINThe green leaves of summerDon Baker (Wurlitzer/Paramount Theater, NYC) POP 131

SONNY BURKEMidnight SunJelani Eddington (Wurlitzer/Saunders Music Room, Zanesville, OH) RJE Productions 1677

STEPHEN SONDHEIMSend in the clowns, fr A Little Night Music –Ralph Wolf, piano; Rob Richards (Wurlitzer/Nethercutt Collection, San Sylmar, CA) RR 1080

DUDLEY BUCKVariations on The Last Rose of SummerTom Trenny (2003 Schantz/St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Savannah, GA) Pro Organo 7196

VICTOR HERBERTIndian SummerBobby Hackett, cornet; Johnny Seng (Wurlitzer/Loderhose Studio, Long Island, NY) Sony 26656

SVEN-INGVART MIKKELSENSummer FantasyJames D. Hicks (2013 Tostareds Kyrkorgelfabrik/ Kalmar Cathedral, Sweden) Pro Organo 7271

MENDELSSOHN: March of the Elves, fr A Midsummer Night’s DreamOlivier Vernet & Cedric Meckler (2004 Aubertin/St. Louis en l’Ile, Paris) Ligia Digital 0104180-07

MENDELSSOHN:  Bridal March, fr A Midsummer Night’s DreamDouglas Major (Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) Gothic 18828

You’re welcome to enjoy these other collections of seasonal sounds from the PIPEDREAMS archive:

Summer Fun (Program #0323)
Summer Fun, II (Program #0724)
Summer Breezes (Program #0923)
Summer Concerts (Program #1124)

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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