1968-2017 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England
1968-2017 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England

The Nativity of the Lord #1850

…picturesque evocations of the first Christmas, including the extraordinary music of Olivier Messiaen.

Hour 1

ANDRÉ FLEURYVariations on a Noël from BurgundyFrançois Lemanissier (1893-2003 Debierre/Holy Cross Church, Saint-Lo, France) Triton 331137

CHARLES TOURNEMIREChristmas Prelude, fr L’Orgue Mystique, Op. 55, no. 3Georges Delvallee (1880 Cavaillé-Coll/Holy Cross Cathedral, Orleans, France) Accord 476.1058

OLIVIER MESSIAENLa Vierge et l’enfantAndrew Canning (2009 Ruffatti/Upsala Cathedral, Sweden) Sheva 163

MESSIAENLes BergersPierre Pincemaille (2004 Darbassies/St. Eloi, Dunkirk) IFO 00318/9

MESSIAENDesseins éternelsColin Andrews (2005 Fisk/St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Greenville, NC) Loft 1099

MESSIAENLe VerbeRichard Gowers (1968-2017 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England) King’s College 025

MESSIAENLes Enfants de DieuDame Gillian Weir (1994 Frobenius/Aarhus Cathedral, Denmark) Priory 921

Filler – FLEURY (see above)

Hour 2

CHARLES TOURNEMIREPrelude and Variations for the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, fr L’Orgue Mystique, Op. 55, no. 6Sandro Müller (1929 Seifert/Liebfraukirche, Bottrop-Eigen, Germany) Cybele 050.106

J. WILLIAM GREENEChristmas Ayres & Dances (Personet hodie; People look east; Joy to the world)J. William Greene (1988 Klop chamber organ) Pro Organo 7281

JEAN LANGLAISLa NativitéJohn Tarver (1998 Schoenstein/Spring Valley United Methodist Church, Dallas, TX) Tarver 2002

MESSIAENLes AngesTom Winpenny (1962-2009 Harrison/St. Alban’s Abbey, England) Naxos 8.573332

MESSIAENJesus accepte la souffranceTheodore Gillen (1963 Aeolian-Skinner/Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 5/28/72)

MESSIAENLes MagesRenée Ann Louprette (1962 Austin/St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, CT) RAL 2008

MESSIAENDieu parmi nousRichard Gowers (1968-2017 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England) King’s College 025

Filler – Les Anges (see above)

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