1979 Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN
1979 Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN

Christmas All Around #1851

…a multi-national celebration of the Nativity Festival with music old and new.

Hour 1

JAMES BASSITomorrow shall be my dancing dayGrace Cathedral Choir/Jeffrey Smith; Timothy Dent, percussion; Benjamin Bachmann & Alison Luedecke (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pro Organo 7212

TRADITIONAL (arr. Cleobury):  The Linden Tree CarolKing’s College Choir/Stephen Cleobury; Henry Websdale (1968-2017 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England) KGS 0033

PHILIP MOOREInto a quiet worldDENIS BÉDARDToccata on Il est né le divin enfantTewkesbury Abbey Schola/Simon Bell; Carleton Etherington (1997 Jones/Tewkesbury Abbey, England) Regent 440

JEFFREY RICKARDChristmas Eve CarolGASTON DETHIERChristmasChoir of Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church/Brady Knapp; Ann Frohbieter (1991 Fisk/Palmer Memorial Church, Houston, TX) PMC 03-2

PERCY BUCKIn dulci jubiloRupert Gough (1902 Willis/St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland) Priory 835

OLIVIER MESSIAENPuer natus est nobis, fr Livre du Saint SacrementColin Andrews (2010 Fisk/Auer Hall, Simon Music Center, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) Loft 1152/3

AARON DAVID MILLER:  Improvisation on Venite adoremusDAVID ASHLEY WHITEChrist in the stranger’s guiseMILLER:  Intermezzo on ‘Twas in the moon of wintertimeMILLER:  Postlude on Veni EmmanuelHouse of Hope Motet Choir/Matthew Culloton; Min Kim, harp; Aaron David Miller (1979 Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN) HoH 2016

Filler – BASSI (see above)

Hour 2

JULIAN WACHNER:  Improvisation on Puer nobis.  WACHNER (arr.):  Joy to the worldChoirs of Trinity Wall Street; Novus NY Ensemble/Julian Wachner (2002 Marshall & Ogletree/Trinity Wall Street, New York, NY) Arsis 180

JEAN-JACQUES BEAUVARLET-CHARPENTIER: 3 Noëls (Tambourin; Ah! Ma voisine etes vous faché; Grand Choeur)Marina Tchebourkina (1750 Dom Bedos/Holy Cross Cathedral, Bordeaux, France) Natives 08

TRADITIONAL:  In dulci jubiloPAUL MANZIn dulci jubiloALEXANDRE GUILMANTScottish Noël (Book 1)Ralph Lane (1890 Hill/Hunter Baillie Memorial Presbyterian Church, Annandale, Australia) RL 2011

J. S. BACHMagnificat Fugue, BWV 733.  THOMAS DÖHLER:  Leise rieselt der SchneeLeipziger Vokal Romantiker; Holm Vogel (1974 Schuke/Paul Gerhardt Church, Leipzig, Germany) Querstand 9507

FRANÇOIS-AUGUSTE GEVAERTCanticum NatalitiaeCaroline Weynants, soprano; Le Petit Sablon Ensemble/Thibaut Lenaerts; Nico Declerck (harmonium) Fuga Libera 545

NAJI HAKIMDanse, fr Mariales.  BERTRAM LUARD-SELBYO glorious maidJAMES MacMILLANTota pulchra esGirls’ Choir and Lay Clerks of Southwell Minster/Simon Hogan; Edward Turner (1996 Nicholson/Southwell Minster, England) Regent 487

Filler – DETHIER (see above)

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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