Walt Strony
Walt Strony

Walt's Wonders #1928

…sharing music and conversation with the notable American theatre organist Walt Strony.

Hour 1

COLE PORTERFrom this moment on (Wurlitzer/Gilson Studio, Madison, WI) WSOC-1

JOHN LENNON & PAUL McCARTNEYEleanor RigbyJIMMY LEACHSmash and Grab (Wurlitzer/Berkeley Community Theatre, CA) Nor-CalTOS 101

EARLE HAGENHarlem NocturneSimon Gledhill (Wurlitzer/Castro Theatre, San Francisco, CA) Clout 421

LEO ROBIN & RALPH RAINGERLook what I’ve got/Thank heaven for youJim Riggs (Wurlitzer/Paramount Theater, Oakland, CA) RTR 103

CLARENCE MUSE & LEON RENÉI’m beginning to see the light (Wurlitzer/Sanfilippe Music Salon, Barrington, IL) WSOC-4

HAROLD ARLENThe man that got awayJEROME KERNWho?Billy Nalle (Wurlitzer/Paramount Theatre, Brooklyn, NY) Project 3 5053

KURT WEILLMy ship, fr Lady in the darkBILLY JOELRoot Beer Rag (Wurlitzer/Krughoff Residence, Downers Grove, IL) DSC 52290

Filler – PORTER: I concentrate on you – Jim Riggs (see above)

Hour 2

AARON COPLANDHoedown, fr Rodeo (Wurlitzer/St. Mary of the Lake Auditorium, Mundelein, IL) WSOC-2

COLE PORTERJust one of those thingsJohn Seng (Mundelein, IL) Pipes & Palaces 51193

PORTERMy heart belongs to daddyJohn Seng (Mundelein, IL) Pipe Organ Presentations 113

EROLL GARNERMistyBobby Hackett, cornet; John Seng (Wurlitzer/Loderhose Studio, Jamaica, NY) Sony 26656

THOMAS ‘FATS’ WALLER Ain’t Misbehavin’. LEROY ANDERSONSerenata (Morton/Kautz Ironstone Vineyards, Murphys, CA) KS-2

LILLIAN GLANVILLE & HAYDN WOODI love to hear you singing (Wurlitzer/Chicago Theatre, Chicago, IL) WSOC-2

CHRIS SMITHConfessin’ Jesse Crawford (Wurlitzer/Paramount Studio, NYC) Piping Hot 2008

ERIC COATESKnightsbridge March, fr London SuiteChris Elliott (Wurlitzer/Plummer Auditorium, Fullerton, CA) CPE 106

WALTER STRONY:  Variations on I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener (Sanfilippo Music Salon, Barrington, IL) WSOC-4

Filler – STRONY:  Improvisation on Shenandoah –Walt Strony (Wurlitzer/Sanfilippe Music Salon, Barrington, IL) WSOC-1

Unless otherwise indicated, today’s performances all feature our special guest, Walt Strony.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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