1686-1692 Schnitger/St. Ludgeri Church, Norden
1686-1692 Schnitger/St. Ludgeri Church, Norden

The Arp of the Organ #1929

…a tribute to the foremost organ builder in the North German tradition, Arp Schnitger, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of his death.

Hour 1

HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANNPraeludium in dJacques van Oortmerssen (1675 Huss-Schnitger/St. Cosmae Church, Stade) Denon 7482

J. S. BACHPrelude & Fugue in a, BWV 551Helmut Walcha (1680 Schnitger/St. Peter & Paul Church, Cappel) Arkiv 474 747 (from the 1950 mono recordings that first brought this instrument to world attention)

DIETERICH BUXTEHUDEGelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV 189.  SAMUEL SCHEIDTBergamascaBUXTEHUDEPraeludium in C, BuxWV 139Harald Vogel (1686-1692 Schnitger/St. Ludgeri Church, Norden) Organa 3207

   • Watch and listen to a demonstration by Thiemo Janssen of the individual stops and ensemble sounds on Norden’s Schnitger organ at the St. Ludgeri Church.

ERNST PEPPING:  Gelobet sei Gott in höchsten TonBACHPrelude & Fugue in g, BWV 558E. Power Biggs (1687 Schnitger/St. Nicolai & Martini Church, Steinkirchen) Columbia M2S-697 (LP)  (the recording…and picture book…that brought Schnitger to so many in the USA)

JOHANNES BRAHMSO Welt, ich muss dich lassen, Op. 122, no. 3MATTHIAS WECKMANNMagnificat II Toni (verse 4)Karl-Bernhardin Kropf (1688 Schnitger/St. Pankratius Church, Neuenfelde) IFO 088

BUXTEHUDEPraeludium in d, BuxWV 140Harald Vogel (1693 St. Jacobi Church, Hamburg) MG&D 3427

Filler – SCHEIDEMANN:  Lobet den Herren, den er ist sehr Freundlich –Ingo Duwensee (1683 Wilde-Schnitger/St. Jacobus Church, Lüdingsworth) Unda Maris 20451

Hour 2

HANS FREIDRICH MICHEELSEN:  3 Chorale-preludes (Lobe den Herren; Wir glauben all; Nun freut euch lieben Christen)Leonore Lub (1696 Schnitger Reformed Church, Noordbroek, Netherlands) VLS Records 0305

BUXTEHUDEVariations, La CapricciosaMatthew Provost (St. Laurentius Church, Dedesdorf) MD&G 1124

BUXTEHUDEDanket dem Herrn (2 verses), BuxWV 181Sietze de Vries (1699 Schnitger/Jacobikirche, Uithuizen, Netherlands) BESV 1.2001

BACHWir glauben all’ an einen Gott, Vater, BWV 740; Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott, BWV 680 –Harald Vogel (1699-1702 Schnitger/Aa-Kerk, Groningen, Netherlands) Organa3301

ANONYMOUS:  4 Pieces from Peru (Sones mon organo violinito; Veranillo; Al Nascimento; Quitapesartes)Cristina Garcia Banegas (1701 Schnitger/Cathedral of Our Lady, Mariana, Brazil) Motette 12901

GEORG BÖHMAus tiefer NotBACHFantasy in G, BWV 572Wim van Beek (1692 Schnitger/Martinikerk, Groningen, Netherlands) Fidelio 6609

Filler – BUXTEHUDE: Praeludium in D/C, BuxWV 139 (MD&G 3247)

This marks the 300th Anniversary of the death of Arp Schnitger (July 2, 1648-July 28, 1719 buried), the profoundly influential and prolific North German Baroque organ builder whose genius has inspired several generations of craftsmen in the 20th and 21st centuries.  A major celebration of his art is scheduled this summer in Germany and the Netherlands.  We provide the American perspective, with commentary from American organ builder John Brombaugh.

The Schnitger 300th Anniversary will be commemorated with special summer and early autumn events in Groningen, the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden.

A superb illustrated book by Cornelius Edskes and Harold Vogel documents Arp Schnitger and His Works.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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