E. Power Biggs
E. Power Biggs
The Organ Historical Society

Bringing Back Biggs #2424

. . . as documents of older repertoire and instruments, these recordings by E. Power Biggs, newly re-mastered, introduced millions of Americans to the sound of historic European pipe organs.

Hour 1

LEONINHaec diesPEROTINConfitemini DominoCONRAD PAUMANNMit ganczem Willen (1435 Anonymous/Notre Dame de Valere Basilica, Sion, Switzerland) Columbia 6855

PADRE ANTONIO SOLER (trans. Biggs):  Emperor’s Fanfare, fr Concerto No. 6JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEUDuo de chasse (1797 Verdalonga/Toledo Cathedral).  RAFAEL ANGLÉSAria in dJUAN CABANILLESBatalla Imperial (1702 Liborna/Segovia Cathedral, Spain) Columbia 7109Click here to see a picture of the Emperor’s Organ console, and don’t look down!

GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI:  2 Galliards in g (1475 da Prato/San Petronio Basilica, Bologna, Italy).  FRESCOBALDICapriccio sopra la Battaglia (1596 Malamini/San Petronio, Bologna) Columbia 7379

JOHN DUNSTABLEAgincourt SongTHOMAS PRESTONUppon la me re (1670 Smith, attrib./Adlington Hall, Cheshire, England) Columbia 30445

CLAUDE BALBASTREJoseph est bien marié (1730 A & J-A Silberman/St. Maurice Abbey, Ebersmunster, Alsace) Columbia 7438

J. S. BACHAllein Gott in der Höh, BWV 676 (1553 Niehoff/St. John’s Church, Lüneburg, Germany).  PIETER CORNETCourante1725 F.C. Schnitger/Grote Kerk, Alkmaar, Netherlands) Columbia 31961

Filler - BALBASTRE:  Joseph est bien marie (see above)

Hour 2

HENRY PURCELLChaconne in F (1743 Schmahl/Reformed Church, Sitzberg, Switzerland).  FRANÇOIS COUPERINLe Trophée; Fugue dur le Kyrie (1761 J-A Silbermann/Arlesheim Cathedral, Switzerland) Columbia 6855

LUIS MILAN:  Pavan No. 6.  ANTONIO VALENTE: La Romanesca (1778 Bosch/Royal Palace Chapel, Madrid, Spain) Columbia 7109

ANDREA GABRIELI: Canzona ariosaADRIANO BANCHIERI: Secondo Dialogo (1797 Callido/Carmelite Church, Luga, Italy) Columbia 7379

PIERRE DANDRIEUQuand le Sauveur Jésus-Christ (Ebersmunster Abbey, Alsace) Columbia 7438

PURCELLA Ground in Gamut (1640 Smith/Staunton Harold Church, Leicestershire, England).  JOHN STANLEYVoluntary in F, Op. 7, no. 6 (1766 England/Danson House Chapel, Bexley, Kent, England) Columbia 30445 

DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE (trans. Biggs):  Sinfonia (1683 Schnitger/St. Jacobi Church, Lüdingworth, Germany). CONRAD PAUMANNMit zanczem Willen (1511 von Covelens/Grote Kerk, Alkmaar, Netherlands).  JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCKEcho Fantasia in a (1721 Schnitger/St. Michael’s Church, Zwolle, Netherlands) Columbia 31961

BACHFugue in E-flat, BWV 552/2 (1721 Schnitger/Zwolle) Columbia 6005

Filler – CABANILLES (see above)

The majority of these recordings, recently digitally remastered and issued as Sony Classical 196588262722, were originally released in LP format between 1967 and 1973 with original catalog numbers listed above.  They represented a stereophonic continuation of Biggs’s influential previous monophonic documentation of historic European instruments.

Some of the music performed in the recordings above was published in Biggs editions, the two collections titled Treasury of Early Organ Music and Treasury of Shorter Organ Classics, as well as a useful Biggs Bach Book and The Biggs Book of Organ Music, all still available.  A full accounting of EPB’s live and career can be enjoyed in the excellent biography written by Barbara Owen, E. Power Biggs, Concert Organist, published by Indiana University Press.

Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Lucinda and Wesley Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, from Jan and Steve Kirchner, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from listener-contributors to this public radio station.  Support also comes from Integrated Organ Technologies, Inc. of Roswell, GA and Kegg Pipe Organ Builders of Hartville, OH, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond.  An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM. 

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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