1982 Casavant at Glenn Auditorium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

1982 Casavant at Glenn Auditorium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

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Programs that feature this organ

#0151: An American Organist’s Christmas

A rose blooms out of season on a winter morning. The Brightest and Best stars show up in the “Company at the Creche.” Images, scenes, and personalities such asa these are present in our next Pipedreams program. It’s a showcase for the work of composers here in the United States, giving a sense of home and place to this international festival. Timothy Albrecht plays grace notes at Emory University, Nancy Whipkey leads her Ascension Children’s Choir in a cantata by Daniel Pinkham, Allison Luedecke and Robert Gallagher stir the echoes at Saint John’s Cathedral in Milwaukee, and Craig Cansler and the Choir of Saint Philip’s in Atlanta celebrates the work of Charles Beaudrot. Our torch lights up the manger scene in Bethlehem, and who do we see there but a circle of composers from the United States, celebrating the holiday with their special gifts. Tune in for An American Organist’s Christmas, this week on Pipedreams.

#0248: In Concert

There is nothing like the spontaneity of a live performance. In most cases, you simply had to have been there. To help the rest of us out, this week’s show brings the thrill of it all to our door. Savor the excitement when young virtuoso Raina Wood plays at Emory University, when John Ogasapian explores byways of American music at Saint Thomas Church, New York, and when the duet team of Dee Ann Crossley and Nancy Lancaster make the House of Hope Fisk organ in Saint Paul really sing. All of our music was recorded In Concert and you’ll hear it as it happened.

#0918: The American Muse

…an ongoing tribute to some of our native composers who know how best to exploit the pipe organ’s colors and agility.

#0927: What’s New?

…an international sampler and selective review of some of the latest organ music CD releases.

#1143: A Thousand Voices

…familiar songs take on a new life in the hands of imaginative composers and agile performers playing upon an organ’s many pipes.

#1144: Variations

…with a good theme, organist-composers can provide an exceptional ‘tour’ of the tonal resources of any instrument.

#9425: Triple Treat

…Concert recordings from three American locations featuring instruments built in England, Germany and Canada.

#9913: Variations on Easter Themes

A collection of composed and improvised settings of Gregorian chants, traditional hymns and chorales for organ, choirs and other instruments.

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Our Sponsors


Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.