Variations on Easter Themes #9913

A collection of composed and improvised settings of Gregorian chants, traditional hymns and chorales for organ, choirs and other instruments.

WILLIAM HENRY MONK (arranged): Hymn, The strife is o’er, the battle done –Saint Paul’s Choir; Washington Symphonic Brass; Bruce Neswick & Jeffrey Smith (1997 Schoenstein/St. Paul “K” Street, Washington, DC) Pro Organo CD 7090

J.S. BACH: Easter Chorale-preludes, from Orgelbüchlein: Erstanden ist der heil’ge Christ, S. 638; Christ ist erstanden, S. 627; Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, S. 629; Christ lag in Todesbanden, S. 625 –Murray Forbes Somerville (1958 Flentrop/Adolphus Busch Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) Titanic CD-221

JOHN RUTTER: Variations on an Easter Theme –Sylvie Poirier, Philip Crozier (1992 Baumgarten/Église Saint-Andrew and-Saint Paul, Montréal, Québec, Canada) REM CD-311291

TIMOTHY ALBRECHT: Easter Grace Notes: Jesus shall reign; Rejoice, the Lord is King; The strife is o’erTimothy Albrecht (1982 Casavant Frères/Glenn Memorial Auditorium, Emory University, Atlanta, GA) ACA Digital 20058

GOTTFRIED AUGUST HOMILIUS: Chorale-preludes on Christ lag in TodesbandenJan van Mol (1727 König/Steinfeld Basilica, Germany) Pavane ADW 7271

JOHN FERGUSON (arranged): Jesus Christ is risen today! –Saint Olaf Choir & Ensemble, Anton Armstrong, conductor; John Ferguson (1963 Casavant Frères/Central Lutheran, Minneapolis, MN) ALCM CD-01

KENNETH LEIGHTON: An Easter Sequence, Opus 55 –Saint Paul’s Girl’s Choir, Dale Adelmann, conductor; Daniel Fortune (1908 Hope-Jones & 1964; 1975 Schlicker/St. Paul Cathedral, Buffalo, NY) Pro Organo CD 7087

CHARLES W. ORE: Lift high the cross –Brian Pfoltner, trumpet; Charles W. Ore (1974 Schlicker/St. John Lutheran, Seward, NE) Organ Works CD-003

JOHAN PETER EMILIUS HARTMANN: Good Friday & Easter Morning, Opus 43 –Ulrik Spang-Hanssen (1929; 1993 Frobenius/Århus Domkirke [Århus Cathedral], Denmark) Classico CD-127

THIERRY ESCAICH: Versets on Victimae PaschaliDenis Comtet (1990 Göckel/Holy Ghost Church, Mannheim, Germany) Göckel CD-11289

ALEC WYTON: Introit, Easter Day –Trinity Choir, Owen Burdick; Mark Peterson (1958; 1968 Aeolian-Skinner/Trinity Wall Street, New York, NY) Gothic G49088

PIERRE COCHEREAU: Improvisations for Easter –Pierre Cochereau (1868 Cavaillé-Coll/Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France) Solstice CD-094/96

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