This is fair and pleasant music, grave yet rapturous, from the pen of Marcel Dupré, a collection of introspective Vespers Antiphons which began as improvisations and proved to be so compelling that he was commissioned to later write them down. On our next Pipedreams program, these and other such works by Benjamin Britten, Larry King, and William Mathias provide startling contrast to outspoken scores by Percy Whitlock, Daniel Gawthrop, Barbara Harbach, and Brent Weaver, where heraldic brilliance calls us to attention and involvement.
It’s a program of contrasts, brilliant and subdued, theatrical and introspective, with instrumental and choral pieces dedicated to color and collective prayer. From the Cathedral in Mallaga to Trinity Church, Wall Street, delight in variety Fanfares and Antiphons, this week on Pipedreams.
This week is all about Music in Monasteries as we revel in the glorious sonorities of instruments old and new in abbey churches and convent chapels. Whether playing a Little Oboe Concerto at southern Germany, moderating a solemn mass in Provence, or celebrating new wine on the Indiana plains, these instruments resound in equal measure for prayer AND praise.
Worship and the arts come together at Saint Meinrad, Indiana, Saint Maximin, Provence, and half a dozen other destinations where organ music enhances the life experience with beauty, grace and power. Hear works from four centuries as our tour bus takes us on the rounds, fueled by Abbey Gas.
Ours is a pilgrim’s progress of sorts, traversing a year in retrospect and looking into the future. Join us as we take measure of the year 2003 and celebrate the art of the organ and its practitioners the builders, players and composers whose lives contribute so much to our experiences each week. We’ll play some recent compact discs, share shapshots of a trip to Italy, honor the memories of those who have passed to their rewards, and prognosticate a bit about what might come along in 2004.
A springtime review of some interesting new CD releases of organ music from around the world.
The German-born English celebrity, George Frideric Handel [1685-1759], knew how to entrance audiences and generate publicity, as his Opus 4 organ concertos proved.
…fountains, flowing rivers, and frothy waves, in a bathtub or lapping upon a south sea island, are but a few of the inspirations behind this collection of ‘water music.’
…from Gounod to Gershwin, we offer a collection of melodious, mobile music guaranteed to keep you on your toes.
…a late-summer review of an international selection of recently issued compact discs devoted to the King of Instruments.
…in consort with one, two, or dozens of companion instrumentalists or singers, the King of Instruments proves itself an affable and amiable colleague.
…music to commemorate the Christian Resurrection Festival and celebrate the earth’s joyful rebirth in springtime.
…from Bath and Bristol and under the big dome of Saint Paul’s, an album of reflections from the PIPEDREAMS spring tour in Britain.
…getting in step with some bracing tunes that will keep you in good spirits and on the move!
…intriguing combinations of other musical friends add importantly to the organ’s ‘public’ repertoire.
…in consort with one, two, or dozens of companion instrumentalists or singers, the King of Instruments proves itself an affable and amiable colleague.
…whether with carols or noels, anthems or improvisations, these musicians proclaim holiday cheer!