Fanfares and Antiphons #0207
This is fair and pleasant music, grave yet rapturous, from the pen of Marcel Dupré, a collection of introspective Vespers Antiphons which began as improvisations and proved to be so compelling that he was commissioned to later write them down. On our next Pipedreams program, these and other such works by Benjamin Britten, Larry King, and William Mathias provide startling contrast to outspoken scores by Percy Whitlock, Daniel Gawthrop, Barbara Harbach, and Brent Weaver, where heraldic brilliance calls us to attention and involvement. It’s a program of contrasts, brilliant and subdued, theatrical and introspective, with instrumental and choral pieces dedicated to color and collective prayer. From the Cathedral in Mallaga to Trinity Church, Wall Street, delight in variety Fanfares and Antiphons, this week on Pipedreams.
PERCY WHITLOCK: Fanfare –Peter King (1997 Klais/Bath Abbey, England, UK) Priory PRCD335
JACQUES-NICOLAS LEMMENS: Fanfare in D –W. Randolph Bourne (1977 Brunzema-Casavant Frères/Maternity of the BVM RCC, Saint Paul, MN) Ten Thousand Lakes CD-113
PADRE ANTONIO SOLER (arranged by E. Power Biggs): The Emperor’s Fanfare –Douglas Major (1938 Ernest M. Skinner & Son; 1975 Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) Gothic G49058
WILLIAM MATHIAS: Antiphonies, Opus 88, number 2 –Timothy Byram-Wigfield (1854 Henry Willis; 1988 Harrison/Cathedral, Winchester, England, UK) Priory PRCD329
JOSEF BARRERA: Sonata for Two Organs –Maria Grazia Filippi, Monika Henking (1782 Orden/Malaga Cathedral, Spain) Arion ARN68047
MARCEL DUPRÉ: 5 Antiphons, from Vepres du Commun de la Sainte-Vierge, Opus 18, numbers 1-5
#1, While the king sitteth at his table –James Biery (1962 Austin/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford, CT) AFKA SK-537
#2, His left hand is under my head –Robert Triplett (1972 Möller/Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA) Centaur CD-2030
#3, I am black but comely –Jeremy Filsell (1979 Möller/St. Boniface Episcopal, Sarasota, FL) Guild GMCD 7198
#4, Lo, the winter is past; #5, How fair and pleasant art thou –Robert Delcamp (1983 Möller/West End UMC, Nashville, TN) Naxos 8.553918
J.S. BACH: Chorale, Now Christ doth end in triumph, from Christmas Oratorio, S. 248 –Columbia Chamber Symphony, Zoltan Rozsnyai, conductor; E. Power Biggs (1778 Maleck/St. Martin Dom, Eisenstadt, Austria) CBS Masterworks MK 42645
BARBARA HARBACH: Fanfare & Toccata on Lasst uns Erfreuen –Derek Gordon (1852 Simmons/Los Altos UMC, Long Beach, CA) Arkay AR6151
DANIEL GAWTHROP: Fanfare, from Rodomontade –Daniel Gawthrop (1938 Ernest M. Skinner & Son; 1975 Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) Gothic G49059
BENJAMIN BRITTEN: Antiphon –Choir of Saint John’s College, Christopher Robinson, conductor; Ian Farrington (1994 Mander/St. John College Chapel, Cambridge, England, UK) Naxos 8.554791
HERBERT HOWELLS: Coventry Antiphon –Choir of Trinity Church, James Simms, conductor; Larry King (1958; 1968 Aeolian-Skinner/Trinity Wall Street, New York, NY) Gothic G49033
BRENT WEAVER: Fanfares and Antiphons –Susan Klotzbach (1992 Ruffatti/Spivey Hall, Clayton State University, Morrow, GA) Pipedreams PD 1003
Filler –THOMAS KERR: Arietta –Mickey Thomas Terry (1957 Aeolian-Skinner/Georgetown Presbyterian, Washington, DC) Pipedreams PD 1003