Our next Pipedreams program explores the matter of multiples, those collections of musical movements which fall under the term partita. They might be variations on a chant theme, psalm tune or popular song, or just a suite of delicious diversions. In every case they give the player an ordered opportunity to strut their stuff and us the chance to hear the lovely colors of which fine pipe organs are capable.
At cathedrals in Altenberg and Saint Louis, or village churches in Kiedrich or Zella-Mehlis, though the addresses are unusual, the sonic surprises are of top quality. Investigate the entertaining and honorable tradition of keyboard variations, good tunes all dressed up with somewhere to go. Klaas Bolt, Mary Beth Bennett, Joseph Payne, and Philip Crozier set out the refreshments for a fun affair, as we get ready for Partita Time, this week on Pipedreams.
From the subtle magic of a single flute stop to the glorious roar of an entire instrument in song, this week’s program explores just a few of the auditory adventures available to organists. Baroque chorale variations and Psalm fantasies, trumpet tunes, symphonic poems, a virtuoso etude for pedals alone, and a racy romp for two performers at one console are just a few of the possibilities exhibited by our talented friends.
Gustav Leonhardt, Virgil Fox and several others each provide unique responses to musical challenges as we continue our never ending search for Sonic Solutions.
A source of inspiration since the time of their origin, the Bible’s songs continue to stimulate the imaginations of both composers and performers, alike.
Inspired fantasies based on the 16th century psalm-tune by Louis Bourgeois.
The Netherlands, beyond its eye-catching windmills and colorful tulips, is home to an incredible treasure of historic and modern pipe organs.
…an audiophile’s audition of several of the best recent recordings of organ music, taped here and abroad.
…an international sampler of instruments and players, all in recent recordings, commit to individual revelations of the spirit of the greatest of all composers for the organ, J.S. Bach.
…celebrate the springtime festival of rebirth with anthems ancient and modern and sonorous solos old and new.
…works by J.S.B., variants on Bach themes, and music inspired by his example.
…another go-round of compositional ‘sweets’ dedicated to the organ’s many moods and styles.
…how better to explore a pipe organ’s voices, and test a player’s mettle, than in the playing of variations?!
…in their different ways, Bach’s eldest sons Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philip Emmanuel, made interesting contributions to the repertoire.
…in this first of three Bach-related programs this month, notable performers bring decided individuality to their interpretations and tributes.
…delightful representatives of the Netherlands organ experience, with instruments and repertoire from five centuries.
…Though organists often are invisible when they play, some recent DVD productions showcase both the performance and the performer.
…with vibrant performances and exquisite instrumental sonorities, we delight in the work of history’s foremost composer for the pipe organ.
…in observance of the 450th anniversary of Sweelinck’s birth, a survey of the organ art in the Netherlands.
…a visit with British well-rounded organist Margaret Phillips, including selections from her impressive Bach cycle and other examples from her extensive discography.
…in this first of three Bach-related programs this month, notable performers bring decided individuality to their interpretations and tributes.
…discoveries, authentications, arrangements and acknowledged masterworks by the greatest of all composers for the pipe organ.
…another quarterly sampling of recent organ discs, with emphasis on the unusual and the unusually attractive. Our choices are wide-ranging, covering a variety of musical styles, performers and instruments. Domestic and imported LPs and CDs will be aired.
…another quarterly sampling of recent organ discs, with emphasis on the unusual and the unusually attractive. Our choices are wide-ranging, covering a variety of musical styles, performers and instruments. Domestic and imported LPs and CDs will be aired.
…Music on the themes of Holy Week and Easter.
…classical and theater organ wizard Hector Olivera demonstrates his legendary versatility in a wide variety of repertoire.