1999 Reil organ in the Bovenkerk, Kampen, The Netherlands

1999 Reil organ in the Bovenkerk, Kampen, The Netherlands

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Programs that feature this organ

#0313: Wisdom of the Ages

The King of Instruments enjoys a long and proud tradition. This week we’ll celebrate this heritage with instruments in all of the major European countries where the art of the organ was born and fostered. The peripatetic Charles Burney, who wrote much about organs and organists encountered during his famous travels, contributes a tune to our medley as do Domenico Scarlatti, Vicente Hervas, Michel Corrette, and Georg Böhm. Everything old IS new again as we listen to historic instruments playing German, French, English, Italian, and Spanish music, all with perfect accent, the way it was meant to be. We honor tradition as the voices from these old pipes reveal the Wisdom of the Ages.

#1031: Various and Sundry

…how better to explore a pipe organ’s voices, and test a player’s mettle, than in the playing of variations?!

#1046: The Older Boy's Network

…in their different ways, Bach’s eldest sons Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philip Emmanuel, made interesting contributions to the repertoire.

#1110: Celebrating Bach!

…in this first of three Bach-related programs this month, notable performers bring decided individuality to their interpretations and tributes.

#1120: Dutch Treats

…delightful representatives of the Netherlands organ experience, with instruments and repertoire from five centuries.

#1128: Seeing is Believing

…Though organists often are invisible when they play, some recent DVD productions showcase both the performance and the performer.

#1135: Sonic Bohm

…a survey of music by the Lüneburg master Georg Böhm[1661-1733], whose exemplary shock-waves inspired, among others, the young Johann Sebastian Bach.

#1212: Bach-o-rama

…with vibrant performances and exquisite instrumental sonorities, we delight in the work of history’s foremost composer for the pipe organ.

#1217: Dutch Masters

…in observance of the 450th anniversary of Sweelinck’s birth, a survey of the organ art in the Netherlands.

#1627: Celebrating Bach!

…in this first of three Bach-related programs this month, notable performers bring decided individuality to their interpretations and tributes.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.