1963 Casavant Frères organ at Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
1963 Casavant Frères organ at Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Photo–Richard Rasch

Organ Plus #0235

Further forays into repertoire for the organ “augmented”, in this case by brasses, strings, winds, and electronics.

HENRY PURCELL (arranged by Swartman): Overture for Trumpets –Cathedral Brasses; Albert Schönberger (1960 Klais-Kemper/Mainz Cathedral, Germany) Motette CD MOT 20211

TOMASO ALBINONI: Trumpet Concerto in d, Opus 9, number 2, 1st movement. CLAUDE GERVAISE: Allemande. HERMANN SCHROEDER: Impromptu –Georges Wansek, trumpet; Luca Antoniotti (1853 Beaucourt & Voegeli/Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Jean-de-Maurienn, France) Cybella CD-1101

J.S. BACH (arranged by Newman): Air, from Suite Number 3 in D, S. 1068 –Lisa Rautenberg, violin. JEREMIAH CLARKE: Trumpet Voluntary in D –Collegium Amtiquum Brasses; Mary Jane Newman (Berkshire; 1993 Russell additions/Mount Kisco Presbyterian, Mount Kisco, NY) Becker CD-940

THOMAS CHRISTIAN DAVID: Variations on a German Folksong –Stacey Woolley, viola; Lowell Lacey (1963 Casavant Frères/Central Lutheran, Minneapolis, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded July 5, 1986

LARRY KING: Revelations of Saint John the Divine, for organ and tape –Douglas Major (1938 Ernest M. Skinner & Son; 1975 Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) Gothic G49058

EUGENE BOZZA: Fantasie Pastorale, Opus 37 –Manfred Wordtmann, sax; Hans Martin Limberg (1980 Klais/Altenberger Dom, Germany) FSM CD-97206

CHRIS DeBLASIO: God is Our Righteousness –Nicholas Goluses, guitar; Harry Huff (1993 Mander/St. Ignatius Loyola RCC, New York, NY) Catalyst CD-61679

RICHARD STEWART: Prelude for Organ and Tape –David Engen (1985 Schantz/Lumen Christi Catholic Community [St. Leo the Great], Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams PD 1003

JAROMÍR WEINBERGER: Polka & Fugue, from Schwanda the Bagpiper –Dallas Wind Symphony, Frederick Fennell, conductor; Paul Riedo (1992 C.B. Fisk/Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX) Reference CD-58


This program was originally issued as #9513 in March 1995.

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