Music for Easter #1513

…whether in Baroque chorale-preludes, Victorian anthems, or contemporary meditations, compositions for the Resurrection Festival always uplifts.

Hour 1

HORATIO PARKERLight’s glittering mornChoirs of Grace Cathedral (San Francisco) and Washington National Cathedral/Douglas Major, director; Robert Lehman (Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington DC) EMI Classics 54134

J. S. BACHEaster Chorale-preludes, fr Orgelbüchlein, BWV 625-629 (Christ ist erstanden; Erstanden ist der herrliche Christ; Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag; Jesus Christus, unser Heiland; Christ lag in Todesbanden) –James Kibbie (1717 Trost/St. Walpurgis Church, Grossengottern, Germany) Block M Records 10

SYDNEY NICHOLSON (arr. Procter):  Lift high the cross –Festival Choir and Brass/David Keith, director; Albert Travis (1996 Casavant/Broadway Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX) Resmiranda 8068

HUBERT PARRYChorale-Fantasia, When I survey the wondrous crossDavid Goode (1885 Hill/Eton College Chapel, Windsor, England) Regent 365

LARRY KINGResurrectionSharonRose Pfeiffer (Skinner/Church of the Transfiguration, Orleans, MA) Paraclete Press 059

JOHAN LUDWIG KREBSChrist lag in Todesbanden, fr Clavierübung I; –Michaelstein Chamber Choir; Christine Schornsheim, harpsichord; Felix Friedrich (1739 Trost/Castle Church, Altenburg, Germany) Querstand 0106

KREBSHerzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr (2 settings)Beatrice-Maria Weinberger (1787 Holzhey/Weissenau Abbey, Germany) Motette 12761

Hour 2

PATRICK HADLEY: My beloved spakeEly Cathedral Choir/Paul Trepte, director; Edmund Aldhouse (1908-2001 Harrison/Ely Cathedral, England) Regent 441

HELMUT WALCHA:  3 Chorale-preludes (Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine; Befiehl du deine Wege; Erstanden ist der heilig Christ) –Delbert Disselhorst (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572913

EDWARD NAYLORChrist both died and roseChoir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge/Richard Latham, director; Adam Mathias (1988 Jones/Emmanuel College Chapel) Regent 426

KNUT NYSTEDTResurrexit, Op. 68Mona Julsrud, soprano; Gunnar Petersen-Øverlier (1986 Lund/Valerenga Church, Oslo, Norway) Simax 1127

MARCEL DUPRÉCrucifixion, fr Symphonie PassionPeter Richard Conte (1953 Aeolian-Skinner/Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC) Pro Organo 7250

DUPRÉResurrection, fr Symphonie PassionPeter Richard Conte (Wanamaker organ/Macy’s Department Store, Philadelphia, PA) Gothic 49240


We recommend listening to these additional programs with more Music for Easter:

            #1415 – An Easter Offering
            #1312 – Let the Round Earth Rejoice
            #1214 – Prayers and Alleluias
            #1116 – An Easter Awakening
            #1013 – Music for Eastertide
            #0914 – A Joyful Eastertide
            #0811 – A Resurrection Festival    
            #0714 – Arising to the Day
            #0615 – Easter Uprising
            #9215 – Light's Glittering Morn


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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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