Purvis Pieces #1332
…a centenary tribute to the celebrated San Francisco organist-composer Richard Purvis (1913-1994).
Hour 1
RICHARD PURVIS: Fantasia on Ton-y-Botel –Tom Hazleton (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 9/7/2003)
PURVIS: 4 Pieces (Cantilena on Green Boughs; Les Cloches; Nocturne, A Night in Monterey; Marche Grotesque) –Keith Thompson (1970 Aeolian-Skinner/National Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC) EDCD 4721; Richard Purvis, in the Nocturne (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Essential Media 2
PURVIS: Dies Irae –Tom Hazleton (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 9/7/2003)
PURVIS: Partita on Christ ist erstanden –Frederick Swann (1927-2003 Casavant/Memorial Chapel, University of Redlands, CA) Gothic 49271
Hour 2
PURVIS: Pastorale on Forest Green –Todd Wilson (1961-1991 Aeolian-Skinner/Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, GA) Delos 3145
PURVIS: Saint Francis Suite –Christian Elliott (Wanamaker Grand Court Organ/Macy's Downtown Philadelphia, PA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/29/2013)
PURVIS: Capriccio (On the Notes of the Cuckoo) –Lorenz Maycher (1962 Aeolian-Skinner, St. Mark's Episcopal, Beumont, TX) Vermont Organ Academy VTOA Op. 3
PURVIS: Dialogue Monastique –Jonas Nordwall & Tom Hazleton (Collins Memorial Pipe Organ + Rodgers 945 electronic organ/1st United Methodist Church, Portland, OR) TCD 001
PURVIS: Greensleeves –John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA) Pro Organo 7189
PURVIS: Carol Rhapsody –Richard Purvis (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Essential Media 3
PURVIS: Fanfare, fr A Trio of Contrasts –Tom Hazleton (1928 Kimball/Minneapolis Auditorium, Minneapolis, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/26/1987)
PURVIS: 2 Pieces (Novelette No. 2; A Retrospection) –Jeremy Filsell (Aeolian-Skinner/National Cathedral, Washington, DC) Raven 942
PURVIS: Thanksgiving, fr Four Prayers in Tone –Tom Hazleton (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 9/7/2003)
James Welch, organist and author, has recently published the first full accounting of the life and work of this famed California composer and performer, Richard Purvis, Organist of Grace, and he provides comments throughout our program. Unfortunately, many of Purvis' scores are out of print, but some remain available here.
For online listeners, we provide these extra audio treats:
PURVIS: , fr 7 Folktone Poems (1968) –Tom Hazleton (1928 Kimball/Minneapolis Auditorium, Minneapolis, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/26/1987)
PURVIS: , fr 4 Dubious Conceits (1952) –Tom Hazleton (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/26/1987)
Listen to these further anecdotes about Richard Purvis from Biographer James Welch:
An archive recording from the 1970s from a radio program hosted by Wanamaker organist Keith Chapman (courtesy of FOWO):