1655 Botz organ at Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark

1655 Botz organ at Roskilde Cathedral, Denmark

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Programs that feature this organ

#0250: Prepare the Way

It is a procession of hope, a progression from darkness into light, the weeks of Advent anticipation. But this week, we’ll rush the season a bit, mixing music of joyful abandon with other scores perhaps just a bit reticent and watchful. Joel Martinson, John Rutter, William Mathias and Richard Purvis give fresh interpretation to prophetic scripture, while organists John Gowens, Guy Bovet, Richard Cummins and Frederick Hohman apply the King of Instruments to a celebration of the King of Kings. Poetic reflections and exuberant outbursts proclaim a holy season, with overriding hopes for peace on earth. With carols and anthems, preludes and dances, let instruments and choirs lift your spirits in anticipation of Christmas as we Prepare the Way.

#0324: Matrimonial Magic

If this music makes you think of weddings and beautiful brides, you’re right on target. This broadcast is a collection of preludes, processionals and other pages in praise of matrimony and the emotions and circumstances which lead us to the altar. Whether it be Handel’s Hornpipe or Mendelssohn’s familiar Wedding March, a Salute to Love by Elgar, or Duke Ellington’s In a sentimental mood, you’ll be amazed by the various ways composers have dealt with love and its ramifications. Trumpet tunes and blessings, salutes to love and lullabies, it’s all part of the package when two people tie the knot at a June wedding, and we provide the music appropriate to a chapel or cathedral creating Matrimonial Magic.

#0406: Great Danes

Enjoy the fantastic sounds of organs in Denmark on this week’s show. We’ll start at Roskilde Cathedral where some parts date back to the 16th century and at the Holmens Church in Copenhagen. Dieterich Buxtehude got his start in Elsinore, founding a Baroque tradition further built upon in the 19th century by Gottfred Matthison-Hansen and in the 20th century by some authentic Danish moderns. Join us as we explore the music of the Great Danes.

#1811: Buxtehude, Before and After

…Danish recitalist Bine Bryndorf provides an in-depth assessment of the greatest organ composer before Bach, Dieterich Buxtehude, plus works by his teacher Heinrich Scheidemann and his ‘followers’ Nicolaus Bruhns and Johann Sebastian Bach.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.