1968 Aeolian-Skinner organ at Trinity Church, New York, N.Y.
1968 Aeolian-Skinner organ at Trinity Church, New York, N.Y.

Prepare the Way #0250

It is a procession of hope, a progression from darkness into light, the weeks of Advent anticipation. But this week, we’ll rush the season a bit, mixing music of joyful abandon with other scores perhaps just a bit reticent and watchful. Joel Martinson, John Rutter, William Mathias and Richard Purvis give fresh interpretation to prophetic scripture, while organists John Gowens, Guy Bovet, Richard Cummins and Frederick Hohman apply the King of Instruments to a celebration of the King of Kings. Poetic reflections and exuberant outbursts proclaim a holy season, with overriding hopes for peace on earth. With carols and anthems, preludes and dances, let instruments and choirs lift your spirits in anticipation of Christmas as we Prepare the Way.

JOSEPH MARTIN: Prepare ye the way. JOEL MARTINSON: Rejoice in the Lord always. JAMES CLEMENS: Upon a calm and quiet night –Choirs of Corpus Christi Cathedral, Lee Gwozdz, conductor (1984 Ballard/Corpus Christi Cathedral, TX) World Library CD-2409

PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY: The Nutcracker Ballet, selections –Frederick Hohman (1997 Schoenstein/First Plymouth Congregational, Lincoln, NE) Pro Organo CD 7077

JOHN RUTTER: Il est né, le divin enfant. WILLIAM MATHIAS: Sir Christemas –Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Gerre Hancock, conductor; Judith Hancock (1956 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Thomas Episcopal, New York, NY) Stradivari CD-8006

PHILIP LEDGER: Sussex Carol. WILLIAM MATHIAS: A babe is born –Choir of Trinity Church, Owen Burdick, conductor; Sean Jackson (1958; 1968 Aeolian-Skinner/Trinity Wall Street, New York, NY) Naxos 8.555886

GUY BOVET: Christmas Chorales: Puer natus est; Stille Nacht; Den die Hirten lobten sehre; Wie schön leuchtet; Carillon de WestminsterGuy Bovet (1993 Woehl/St. Petrikirche, Cuxhaven, Germany) Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 320 0675

JOHN GOUWENS: Ding, dong, merrily on high. SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: O come, all ye faithful –John Gouwens (1957 Gillett & Johnson carillon; 1951 Möller organ/Culver Academy, Culver, IN) Culver CD-1999

HENRIK RUNG: Peal, all you bells/Kimer I klokker –Povl Dissing, voice; Knut Reiersrud, guitar; Iver Kleive (1965 Marcussen/Odense Domkirke, Denmark) Kirkelig Kulturverksted FXCD229

RICHARD PURVIS: What child is this? FRANZ LISZT: In dulci jubilo. EVERETT TITCOMB: A child is born –Richard Cummins (1926 Skinner; 1980 Möller/Greene Memorial UMC, Roanoke, VA) RCCD-1958

RICHARD WAYNE DIRKSEN: Alleluia, a newe work is come. ROBERT MacGIMSEY: Sweet little Jesus boy; RICHARD WAYNE DIRKSEN: Chanticleer –Laurie Swann, mezzo soprano; Choir of All Saints Church, Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault, conductor; Elizabeth Chenault (1972 Schantz/All Saints Episcopal, Atlanta, GA) Towerhill 71996



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