…archive recordings by Marcel Dupré of music celebrating the Christmas Holiday.
…seasonal music featuring the Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge, and organists Andrew Lumsden, Douglas Major, Barbara Harbach, John Rose and Virgil Fox.
…anticipating the Christmas festival with music from four centuries.
…performer and broadcaster Edwhar Coppell plays instruments at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, and St. Mark's Cathedral, Seattle.
…Leonard Raver plays premieres of prize-winning works from the Southern College International Composition Competition, celebrating the inauguration of the new 70-stop Anton Heiller Memorial Organ, built by John Brombaugh on the campus in Collegedale, Tennessee.
…Harald Vogel plays music by Buxtehude, Scheidt, Praetorius and other Baroque composers on the Brombaugh organs of Southern College in Collegedale, Tennessee.
…the original compositions, phenomenal transcriptions and exceptional interpretations of Edwin H. Lemare are introduced by biographer Nelson Barden. Lemare himself performs via Welte Philharmonic Player rolls, with additional music played by Frederick Hohman.
…in celebration of American Music Week, diverse organ works by American composers.
…an introduction to the Anton Heiller Memorial Organ built by John Brombaugh for Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. Peter Planyavsky is featured in selections from inaugural week programs, recorded April 23—27, 1986
…a celebration of Canadian composers and performers of organ music.
…concert performances by leading Scandinavian soloists recorded in the Swedish capitol.
…another popular quarterly sampler of recent organ recordings, featuring unusual and appealing repertoire, young artists, sonic surprises, and commentary.
…digital recordings of performances by the noted British organist, taped in recitals at St. Mary's and Grace Cathedrals in San Francisco.
…concertos and other musics for organ with diverse collegial involvements.
…a recital by Catharine Crozier on the organ at Church of Epiphany in Washinton, DC, recorded during the 1982 National Biennial Convention of the American Guild of Organists.
…the first of several program that explore the known and unknown music of this great early 19th century musician.
…roots organ music from the earliest times plus some modern reflections.
…worcester's famous 1864 Hook organ is played by James David Christie. This instrument is America's largest surviving 19th century concert hall installation, an historic treasure.