. . . the annual summing up of 12 months' happenings, celebrating success and lamenting losses.
. . . a melodious miscellany of sonic surprises gathered under the tree for your delight.
. . . choirs and organists in British chapels and cathedrals share the glad tidings.
. . . diverse and diverting seasonal selections, including engaging live concert improvisations.
. . . featuring the 1965 Flentrop organ at St. Mark’s Cathedral in recital and worship contexts.
. . . the sonorities of Saint James Cathedral, featuring scintillating concert performances and a splendid Choral Vespers Service.
. . . performances by recent winners of the AGO National Competitions in Organ Performance and Improvisation and some of the young artist winners of the regional 2022 AGO/Quimby Rising Stars Competition.
. . . selections from four centuries by musicians who have achieved significant milestones this year.
. . . music on themes for and about the sainted and the soulful.
. . . surprises abound in the repertoire for organ and orchestra.
. . . sometimes the old tunes provide the best ideas for new music.
. . . selections from extremely diverse recital performances recorded in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio and Virginia.
. . . an ear-catching assortment of recently released albums of organ music.
. . . an irreverent reflection on the somewhat unbelievable four-plus decade history of PIPEDREAMS, with glimpses of the past, and projections for the future from host-producer Michael Barone.
. . . the irrepressible and ever resilient Canadian virtuoso shares her light with the audience at the Royal Albert Hall.
…though the pipe organ itself may seem big and ponderous, its music will have your toes tapping.
…a reflection on the diverse styles by which American composers express themselves.
…a reflection on the effusive art of Max Reger, whose pages may be black with notes but also colorful with emotion.
The Well-Tempered Clavier . . . Bach was the most thorough but not alone in writing in support of a ‘modern’ tuning system.
. . . the social media’s charismatic pipe organ maven performs at Royal Albert Hall during England’s foremost summer music festival.
. . . the name says it all, but when spelled out in tones it provides for some intriguing reinterpretations.
. . .a full helping of intriguing interpretive indulgence featuring David Briggs, Olivier Latry and Wayne Marshall in concert at Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center.
. . . a mid-year tribute to the memory of Johann Sebastian Bach (d. 7/28/1750).
. . . a selective sampler of some of the newest releases on one of the most adventuresome and active digital labels, Brilliant Classics.
. . . delve yet again into the incredibly rich repertoire of music for organ and orchestra.
. . . composers from the United States have sustained the art of the King of Instruments.
. . . always with some interesting ideas, American composers continue to enhance the organ’s repertoire.
. . . concert and session recordings and conversation with the likable and loquacious Spanish virtuoso Raul Prieto Ramirez.
. . . enjoy the sounds of historic instruments while exploring repertoire from the 16th through 18th centuries.
. . . the blend of brasses and organs is always and exciting combination.
. . . a visit with this internationally acclaimed recitalist and recording artist, including his performance on the expanded Holtkamp-Pasi pipe organ at St. John’s Benedictine Abbey in Collegeville, MN.
. . . inspired and inspiring music in many styles, old and new, composed on themes for the Feast of Pentecost.
. . . while some of us are actually there, we thought it only fair to share some of the sounds of instruments we’re visiting.
. . . we explore the thesis that this composer’s symphonies are said to have been inspired by his years as organist.
. . . a sampler from some recent and intriguing releases produced by audio engineer Christoph Frommen.
. . . more selections from concerts recorded during the Organ Historical Society’s national gathering and around the Twin Cities in 2017.
. . .when the seasons change, tunes both secular and sacred put us in an amorous mood.
. . . a sampler of live performances drawn from the extensive collection of PIPEDREAMS recordings.
. . . the festival of Easter is integral to the earth’s rebirth in springtime.
. . . when interesting and unusual scores are shared through compelling performances, everyone wins.
. . . in conversation and performance, whether as composers, transcribers, advocates, these three artists engage our attention.
. . . the two great German contrapuntal masters duke it out around their birthdays (Johann Sebastian Bach, b. 3-21-1685) and Max Reger (b. 3-19-1873).
. . . enjoy the compelling creativity of an international array of women composers whose repertoire reveals unexpected treasures.
. . . the repertoire for organ and orchestra contains untold riches that we rarely hear.
. . . bridging differences of style and culture, music makes the world a bigger place.
. . . Michael Barone hosts concert performances by members of the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
. . . expanding our repertoire with works by African-American artists composers and performers.
. . . performances by the outstanding world-travelling recitalist and teacher, Isabelle Demers.
. . . an exploration of vintage instruments in southern Mexico with Cicely Winter, director of the Institute for Historic Organs of Oaxaca (IOHIO).
. . . as composer, transcriber, improviser and performer, British-born recitalist David Briggs does it all.
. . . a concert performance, with commentary, recorded at Bethel University in Minnesota.
. . . the ‘energy bunny’ James D. Hicks regales us with additional accounts of his Scandinavian sojourns.