…The Organ in Advent....music of expectation, contemplation, reverence and celebration, in anticipation of the Nativity.
…Victorious performances from the 1993 editions of the J.S. Bach International Competition in Washington DC, the Naples (Florida) International Festival, and the Flint (Michigan) International Competition.
…“Spiritual” music with twist, in observance of All Hallows Eve.
…vibrant recital performances and revelatory conversation with an internationally-reverred virtuoso, one of the last living representatives of a grand playing tradition.
…A special program devoted to performances on theater organs large and small, featuring George Wright, Chris Elliott, Ashley Miller, Stan Kann, Lynn Larsen, Simon Gledhill, Jelani Eddington, Dan Bellomy, Jim Riggs, Walt Strony, and Ron Rhode on the “Mighty Wurlitzer”.
…This modest Indiana town, through the music of one venerable and three recent pipe organ installations, proves itself a gracious and hospitable residence for the King of Instruments.
…Sounds of glory and praise from the 5-manual, 74-stop Visser-Rowland organ in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, reputed to be the largest modern-built mechanical-action organ in the United States.
…Organ music in celebration of the 350th anniversary of the first Swedish settlement in the New World.
…Sonically splendid performances of music by Englishmen performed at the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Participating players include Paul Boehnke, E. Lyle Hagert, James Callahan and Helen Garvey Jensen. Choirs from the Colleges of St. Catherine and St. Thomas, the University of Wisconsin (River Falls), and Macalester College join with an audience of 1500 to make the rafters really ring. Feel free to sing along!
…from coast to coast, music of American composers and performers, including highlights from the 1986 San Anselmo Festival in California.
…continuing explorations of historic American instruments in the midwest, as documented by the Organ Historical Society.
…In search of some “lost chords”, this is an exploration of the varied art of transcription.
…roots organ music from the earliest times plus some modern reflections.
…A Summer quarter sampler of recent releases.
…Performances from special Summer concerts at the Church of the Cross in Lahti, Finland. Recordings from the 1992 Lahti Festival were made available by the Finnish Radio Service.
…A Summer Mecca and an American legend, the famous instrument of the Music Hall in Methuen, Massachusetts provides ample opportunity for resourceful players.
…a celebration of Canadian composers and performers of organ music.
…original music and transcriptions from the 19th and 20th centuries inspired by the spirit of J.S. Bach. Douglas L. Butler plays the 1932 Aeolian-Skinner concert organ at Northrop Auditorium, Minneapolis, and the 1980 Sipe organ at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church.
…a selective survey of the unique contributions to the organists' repertoire by the man who invented the organ concerto, George Frideric Handel.
…for June brides and others, a program of wedding music which includes some of what you'd expect and much than you wouldn't.
…Concert recordings from the Philharmonic Center for the Arts in Naples, Florida, Gulf-coast recitals featuring the 59-stop Casavant organ.
…Sounds of mostly antique American-built instruments recorded in recitals of the Organ Historical Society.
…Gillian Weir at Spivey hall....selections from dedication concerts on the new Albert Schweitzer Memorial Organ at Clayton State College in Morrow, Georgia.
…Further exploration of the resources of one of America's most exceptional and anticipated new instruments in Dallas, Texas.
…At the Meyerson…sounds of the spectacular new Herman W. and Amelia H. Lay Family Concert Organ at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, from inaugural-series events.
…Going on Record....the spring quarterly sampler of recent releases in review.
…More performances by and conversation with faculty and student artists on the campus of one of America's most prestigious undergraduate music schools, the Oberlin Conservatory in Ohio. Campus instruments include a 1955 Aeolian-Skinner (III?66) in Finney Chapel, a 1974 Flentrop (III/44) in Warner Hall, and a 1981 Brombaugh (II/15) in meantone tuning at Fairchild Chapel.
…Record and recital performances by and conversation with the youthful director of the organ and choral arts in London's grandest church.
…Music for the Season of Easter....organ and choral selections on themes of sacrifice and salvation.
…A glimpse at some pages from the volumes and volumes of music left by the most prolific, and perhaps best German organ composer after Bach, Max Reger.
…Outbursts of Joy ... there's always excitement in the air when a new organ is inaugurated, and today we capture some of that in recital highlights featuring Gillian Weir, Gerre Hancock, Walter Pelz, David Mulbury, Eugene Roan and Robert Delcamp on recent instruments in Florida, Virginia, Georgia, Nebraska and Texas.
…An international spectrum of compositions in performances by Black artists.
…An exploratory leafing through pages of some extraordinary and pathbreaking organ works by the quintessential Romantic composer and virtuoso, Franz Liszt.
…Inaugural recital performances by Thomas Trotter, Charles Krigbaum and Thomas Murray in celebration of a major acoustical renovation of the room and a thorough rebuild of the ill-fated 1928 E.M. Skinner organ by the British firm of N.P. Mander, Ltd. recorded 4/5, 5/5 & 6/4/92.
…A New Year's sampler of recent releases.