Celebrating PIPEDREAMS’ fifteenth anniversary and the season of Epiphany, with audio postcards of the year’s events, letters from listeners, projections for the future, and reviews of some new recordings.
Contrasting emotional outburst with intimate radiance as we ring out the old year and ring in the new.
American organists provide musical gifts for all who join in adoration and praise.
A global collection of music for the King of Instruments in celebration of the King of Kings.
A spicy collection of holiday music from chapels, cathedrals and a theatre.
…the rich resource of our nation’s own compositional talent store gives our ears and hearts much for which to be thankful.
An autumn quarterly review of recent recordings.
It had to start somewhere, even when it comes to new styles of writing for the keyboard. On our next Pipedreams broadcast, we’ll trace the art of the organ from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, from Antegnati to Ravanello, with recordings on some of the earliest playable pipe organs, solos, duets, saucy sonatas, romantic tone poems, and dramatic concertos. Influenced by the world at large, by court, church, theatre, and concert hall, these pieces by Gabrieli and Galuppi, Bergamo and Bossi, and Casella document a remarkable and colorful artistic progression an Italian Evolution, this week on Pipedreams.
There’s no doubt that he’s fleet of foot and finger, but on this week’s Pipedreams broadcast Anthony Newman shows that his imagination is every bit as quick. We’ll hear him in works by Bach recorded in New York and Poland; in two concertos by Handel played with extravagant embellishments in concert with the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra; in some French miniatures presented at the Performing Arts Center in Naples, Florida; and in several of his own compositions and in duet performances with his wife Mary Jane. Don’t miss these imaginative insights and intrepid interpretations from one of America’s foremost virtuoso talents and thinkers.
While visiting the restored 1877 Johnson & Son organ which celebrates renewed vitality in the care of the School Sisters of Notre Dame at their Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mankato, MN.
Collecting belligerent and beatific samples from a sonorous universe of contrasted musics old and new.
In bold and beautiful music, we hear this London church’s famous instrument “at home” and enjoy the renowned Abbey Choir “on tour” in Minnesota.
two new pipe organs were dedicated—at Shadyside Presbyterian Church and the University of Pittsburgh’s Heinz Memorial Chapel—on the same day!
The acclaimed young organist from Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, plays the celebrated 1979 C.B. Fisk organ in Saint Paul, MN, recorded October 30, 1994.
Reminiscences, repertoire, and recordings from one of the most famous Parisian churches, with comments from current titulaire Daniel Roth.
Performances by Dr. Larry Smith of Indiana University, Bloomington, in recital at the University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, MN and Luther College, Decorah, IA
A return visit with historian and organbuilder Susan Tattershall, who documents some of the many remarkable antique instruments “south of the border.”
Concert performances from diverse New York City churches, with traditional and untraditional repertoire.