1956 Aeolian-Skinner+ organ at Saint Thomas Church, New York, NY

1956 Aeolian-Skinner+ organ at Saint Thomas Church, New York, NY

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Programs that feature this organ

#0250: Prepare the Way

It is a procession of hope, a progression from darkness into light, the weeks of Advent anticipation. But this week, we’ll rush the season a bit, mixing music of joyful abandon with other scores perhaps just a bit reticent and watchful. Joel Martinson, John Rutter, William Mathias and Richard Purvis give fresh interpretation to prophetic scripture, while organists John Gowens, Guy Bovet, Richard Cummins and Frederick Hohman apply the King of Instruments to a celebration of the King of Kings. Poetic reflections and exuberant outbursts proclaim a holy season, with overriding hopes for peace on earth. With carols and anthems, preludes and dances, let instruments and choirs lift your spirits in anticipation of Christmas as we Prepare the Way.

#0418: Honoring the Hancocks

This week we pay tribute to Gerre and Judith Hancock, the talented husband and wife who have made marvelous music at Saint Thomas Church in New York City for more than 30 years.

#0608: Spiritual Values

Embellished by the pipe organ’s many colors, these compositions were inspired by African and Afro-American themes.

#0609: Organ Plus

As always, glorious sounds result when a pipe organ teams up with other instruments.

#0727: What’s New?

…a modest miscellany of recent compact discs, a representative sampler of the incredible flood of current offerings.

#0841: Archive of Rorem on Rorem

…we celebrate composer Ned Rorem with performances of his music in anticipation of his 85th birthday. On this week’s show, we visit with Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Ned Rorem and celebrate the remarkable and envigorating repertoire that he has composed for organists and choirs. Is it strange that an agnostic son of Quaker parents should write so compellingly for the church or is everything under the sun just a concert celebrating creativity? Insights from the artist with his art, it’s Rorem on Rorem.

#0846: Some Apple Pie

…a few slices from the ‘new organ’, ‘new music’, and ‘live performance’ scenes in Manhattan.

#1122: Off the Shelf

…a spring survey of some recent CD releases from American producers in the USA, Canada and Mexico.

#1301: Women at Work

…a focus on female practitioners of the organ art, featured as recital soloists and composers (sometimes simultaneously).

#1533: John Scott, In Memoriam

…a tribute to the artistry of English-born organist and choral conductor John Scott, who died unexpectedly at age 59 on August 12, 2015.

#1542: Quotes from Raven

…recent selections from one of America's prime 'organ labels', and conversations with Raven's curator William Van Pelt.

#1550: Holiday Portraits

…the Christmas festival is rich with pictorial implications that composers have interpreted with intriguing ingenuity.

#1606: Various Variants

…with a good theme, variation sets provide organists and composers an exceptional opportunity to tour the tonal resources of any instrument.

#1739: Out of Their Minds

…following a centuries-old tradition, these organists have created new music in the moment through artful improvisation.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders of Bellwood, IL.