…in solo, concerted music, and with huge choir and orchestra, England’s largest concert pipe organ always holds its own at London’s Royal Albert Hall.
…refreshing scores for organ plus other wind instruments, including trumpet, flute, saxophone, horn and pan-pipes.
…In swinging Bach arrangements, Fats Waller improvisations, and original new scores, the King of Instruments lets it all hang out.
…courtesy of the BBC, these performances come direct from this summer’s festival season at the Royal Albert Hall, London’s premier gathering place for classical music.
…works by J.S.B., variants on Bach themes, and music inspired by his example.
…back in the depths of history, the number ‘7’ was deemed lucky, or at least significant, and our music proves the point.
…performances featuring soloists, composers and instruments recorded in and around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.
…an international sampler and selective review of some of the latest organ music CD releases.
…the rich resource of our nation’s own compositional talent store gives our ears and hearts much for which to be thankful.
…revisiting old haunts with Joseph McCabe and friends of the Organ Historical Society.
…you can’t beat the sonorous supremacy of the famous Willis and Walker pipe organs in this famous-for-its-music city.
…in tribute to the Royal Canadian College of Organists, RCCO, in its centenary year, a program of Canadian composers, performers, and instruments.
…both the American Theatre Organ Society, July 1-5, and the Organ Historical Society, July 5-10, will hold their 2009 annual conventions in and around Cleveland, Ohio. After hearing these sounds, you’ll want to attend.
…in celebration of the ’founding‘ of the Christian Church, music on themes for Pentecost.
…a debut appearance of the William J. Gillespie Concert Organ (C.B. Fisk Opus 130) in the new arts center in Costa Mesa, CA.
…in the company of guest commentator and biographer Kerala Snyder, we explore the profoundly influential music of the “Great Dane” of the German Baroque organ scene.
…an ongoing tribute to some of our native composers who know how best to exploit the pipe organ’s colors and agility.
…tune in for a modest five-century survey of the history of organ music in Italy.