…contrary to common opinion, the supposedly staid old pipe organ can, when it wishes, get down and boogie.
…composers, performers and instrument builders provide a brilliant outlet for musical imagination in Nordic countries.
…from Bath and Bristol and under the big dome of Saint Paul’s, an album of reflections from the PIPEDREAMS spring tour in Britain.
…several select and sonorous scores explore the notion of ‘sacred’ from a different point of view.
…a review of some recent CD releases, testament to the incredible international activity or organ builders, performers, and audio producers.
…a diverse collection of other musical friends teams up with the King of Instruments to make a glorious noise.
…excerpts from a weekend of special Pipedreams Live! events with Michael Barone in his ‘home town’ territory, the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre region of northeastern Pennsylvania.
…we prelude the upcoming centenary of the oldest working municipal pipe organ in the United States, the famed Kotzschmar Memorial Organ in Merrill Auditorium, the pride of Portland, Maine!
…a celebration of the life and work of the industrious and indefatigable American composer Emma Lou Diemer, with comment, compact discs, and concert performances.
…a collection of Canadian composers, competition winners, and pipe organs in celebration of Canada Day.
…music by our resident composers always makes a good impression.
…an exploration of some unusual items found amidst the remarkably rich repertoire of music for organ with orchestra.
…a delectation of French music, with particular emphasis on the organ works of centenarian Jean Francaix (1912-1997)
…intriguing pipe organs revive the aura of past centuries while making beautiful sounds in the Windy City for the Organ Historical Society.
…solo performances of music from France, and a pair of American concertos from the American Guild of Organists’ 2004 national convention, featuring the eye- and ear-catching Glatter-Götz/Rosales organ.
…a collaboration with Ken Double, President of the American Theatre Organ Society for a sampler of the popular-organ art
…after a meticulous multi-year restoration, the 10,000-pipes of the 1930 Aeolian organ in the conservatory ballroom at the former Pierre du Pont estate in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania sound more magnificent than ever.
…a tribute to the memory of one of the most popular, and controversial, organists of all time, who believed in the cause of beauty above history, and above the limitations of any instrument.