PlaySlee Hall Inaugural #9043October 22, 1990…Dedication performances on the new Fisk organ at SUNY-Buffalo, a long-term project finally completed.
PlayFor One or Two to Play #8729September 24, 1990…Solos and duets by Carole Terry, Timothy Nickel and Nancy LeRoi performed on the spectacular Fritts-Richards organ of Saint Alphonsus Church, Seattle
PlayThe People's Choice #9038 (Encore of #8645)September 17, 1990…the original compositions, phenomenal transcriptions and exceptional interpretations of Edwin H. Lemare are introduced by biographer Nelson Barden. Lemare himself performs via Welte Philharmonic Player rolls, with additional music played by Frederick Hohman.
PlayBach at Holy Cross College #8746September 10, 1990…Baroque masterworks played on the monumental Taylor & Boody organ in Worcester, MA. The performers were prizewinners in the Bach Competition held in 1985 as part of the first Fuller International Organ Festival.
PlayChicago, Chicago #9035 (Encore of #8623)August 27, 1990…another exploration of some of the interesting and sometimes curious old instruments in the Windy City, with performances recorded there during a convention of the Organ Historical Society.
PlayAn Organist's English Lesson #9034 (Encore of #8613)August 20, 1990…digital concert recordings by Simon Presont and Eileen Guenther, who play music of British composers on the 1984 Fisk-Nanney and 1901 Murray Harris organs at Stanford University's Memorial Church.
PlayThe American Muse (I) #9033 (Encore of #8620)August 13, 1990…whether inspired by hymn tunes or mere caprice, American composers approach the pipe organ in refreshingly diverse ways.
PlayA Bach Prelude #8574August 6, 1990…Performances by members of the twin cities (Minnesota) chapter of the American Guild of Organists, digitally recorded in recital on the 1976 Casavant organ (18-stops) at the Church of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Paul.
PlayMendelssohn - The (Rediscovered) Organ Works (III) #9031July 30, 1990…a continuing our exploration of this great early 19th century musician, with first performances of recently discovered manuscripts. [Encore of #8716]
PlayAmericana Revisited, Part 4 #9030 (Encore of #8589)July 23, 1990…another program in a continuing, irregular series devoted to our historic American pipe organ heritage, featuring recordings from the archives of the Organ Historical Society and comments from OHS executive director William Van Pelt. This program focuses on organs in and around Chicago.
PlayDavid Schrader in Recital #9029 (Encore of #8607)July 16, 1990…the organist at Chicago's Church of the Ascension performs on the Moeller organ at St Mark's Cathedral. Minneapolis, digitally recorded.
PlayThe Sound of History (II) #9028 (Encore of #8446)July 9, 1990…music and instruments mostly from the 16th and 17th centuries recorded in Stade, Innsbruck, Imbach, Ossiach, and Metz. Three of these instruments were built recently, though designed in a strict, historic manner.
PlayIn Some Monastery Gardens #9025June 18, 1990…Historic monastic churches in Europe have provided fertile beds for organ music over many centuries.
PlayA Boston Organists' Tour #9024June 11, 1990…Celebrating several notable instruments and composers from the Boston area, in the company of Brian Jones, Marian Metson, Thomas Richner, Robert Love, and the late E. Power Biggs.
PlayDown By the Riverside #9023June 4, 1990…Performances by organist John Walker, Robert Hebble, the late Virgil Fox and the Choir of New York City's famous Riverside Church.The premiere of Hebble's Symphony, which is dedicated in memory of Virgil Fox, was recorded in concert 7/15/86. Fox's performance of Bach's Trio Sonata comes from an out of print LP (Command CC-11022). Performances by the Choir and Messrs. Williams and Walker are recently-issued compact discs (Pro Organo CD-7016 and CD-7017)
PlayAlain Alone #9021May 21, 1990…A tribute to the unique genius of early 20th century musician Jehan Alain, with comments from his famous sister and one of his many admirers and advocates, James Kibbie.
Our SponsorsLearn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Dobson Pipe Organ Builders of Lake City, IA.